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Why should I choose to work with Be Noticed Design?

Be Noticed Design has been collaborating with businesses and creating brands and websites for clients for 5 years but our design experiences spans over 10 years. Passion is at the forefront of what we do here and being an unapologetically small team, we like to think our clients become good friends and can always rely on us for their design tasks. We are always a phone call, email or zoom call away and are big fans of communication and having our clients be involved in their project. We provide a more focused offering compared to larger agencies, without the large overheads and red tape.

Why should I consider working with a small studio rather than a large agency?

We have all come from working in large agencies and missed the interaction of working one on one with our clients and getting a personal feel from each individual/business. When working with a smaller agency you know who you’re working with and communication is much easier and more efficient.

You also feel that your project is in safe hands and being created by people who are passionate about achieving only the best for your business vs. typically with larger agencies (trust us, we have been there) the metrics of a projects success is how many high design, hourly rates you rack up. We pride ourselves on attention to detail, passion, process, communication and deadlines.

I am interested in working with you, how do we get started?

Great question and good to hear. It’s super easy...fill out our contact form or click Free Consultation and a member of our team will be in touch with you, to arrange a call in the next 24 hours. We are excited to hear from you and how we can help your business stand out.

What type of clients do you work with?

It doesn’t matter what industry you work in or if we have worked with a similar client before—the goal is about communicating what makes you unique, regardless of your offering. We’ve worked with many different clients, all with different audiences and we love the challenge of creating a brand or website in any sector. So you could be a rock star or a gardener, either way, we can create you a brand to make you stand out in your area of expertise.

Can you help me determine what I need?

If you are not sure what you need, that’s okay. We enjoy collaborating with clients to determine what is required to help them achieve their goals, whether that’s a new brand or website.

We’ll take a look at what you already have and from there, we will identify where your business can improve. We do this with a Free Consultation, which allows us to gain a clear understanding of your situation, your goals, your budget, and then thereafter filling out our simple briefing form, we can get a good idea or where you are and where you want to be.

How long does it take to design & build a website?

From start to finish, including the wire framing and design phase of a project, websites take between 2-6 weeks, subject to complexity. Speed of completion of a website is also dictated by speed of client feedback, as our timing includes time for clients to feedback at various milestones, throughout the build. Websites can be designed and built in as little as a week in some instances, for example a simple landing page design. This is because we build websites exclusively in Webflow, as such the design and build phase is much more fluid and efficient, compared to equivalent traditional website builders.

How much does a simple website cost?

Without wanting to sit on the fence, this really does depend on the complexity of the website requirements, lots of factors dictate cost from, 'do we need to statically design, do you have content for the website, do you need SEO' and so on. To help give a very rough indication of cost, a 1 page landing page design would start from £975, however please reach out to a member of our team to discuss your project, to give you a more accurate quote.

What does responsive mean?

A responsive website is a website that adapts to the device it is being viewed on. For example, if you view a site on a laptop and then view the site on a mobile, you should have equally good experiences of that website but not the same experience. On the mobile, the website may have a slightly different design and content may have moved to make it easier to navigate and view utilising the controls available on a mobile device.

A mobile-friendly website will give you the same user experience when you view it on a mobile device as well as a large screen.  In contrast to the responsive website, there will not be a specific design for mobile usage, but the whole site will be designed and built in such a way that all features are available and equally usable on all size device.

Do you work on existing websites?

We work exclusively with Webflow websites, if your website is built in webflow then great, we can work on your website. If you have a Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify and so on website, then unfortunately we no longer work with these platforms...Does this mean we don't want to work with you, definitely not! We used to use these platforms, but found a combination of client frustration with the ease of use, restrictions, left us wanting to work with web building tools that not only we could use as developers, but also our clients truly endorse. Fast forward and we have been using Webflow exclusively for many years and find Webflow provides the level of client’s satisfaction they need and looking for... You may also find a brand new build in Webflow is a smarter move that trying to polish a poor website in another platform...Webflow is so efficient as a tool, we are confident we can build better websites faster in Webflow than what an experienced developer could update a poor website in, for example, Wordpress...we should know we have been there and got the t-shirt (we have lots of t-shirts!) Give a member of our team a call to discuss why Webflow might be right for you and take your existing website or new perspective website, to the next level.

What is Webflow, is it right for our website?

Great question! Many years ago we used to build in an array of web builders, including traditional coded websites, but over the years continually found clients frustration with the ongoing usability and ease of use of these traditional builders. As such we began using Webflow, as not only is Webflow a truly responsive, clean code web builder, but it is a 'visual builder', meaning at the point of hand over, clients can actually be confident they can interact and work on their new site, with more confidence. As inherently you don't need to be able to code to update and modify a Webflow build. Webflow allows for complete design freedom and offers ‘out of the box’, much more beautiful animated designs, with much less developer time. Webflow offers all the traditional building capabilities with no tangible draw backs, as you can still, where necessary, integrate 3rd party widgets and utilise custom code. In addition, client’s benefit from instant website publishing and pre launch publishing of projects to a ‘’ staging sub-domain for free. We have converted over 100 clients from the likes of Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify with proudly 0 clients reverting. Webflow truly is the next generation of website building...check it out.

Is Webflow an Ecommerce builder?

Yes, Webflow offers a fully CMS eCommerce building infrastructure, with all background infrastructure for easy shoppable websites. The great thing about Webflow vs comparable eCommerce builders is, Webflow lets you customise everything you can see with no restriction, meaning your eCommerce site really feels bespoke. Yes there are other eCommerce builders out there, but many use similar template structures. A webflow eCommerce can be built from the ground up, still using a visual builder philosophy, but with the benefits of less restrictions.

How much is Webflow hosting?

One of the core USP's of using Webflow as a builder in the first instance, is hosting through the Webflow control panel. It allows for easy set up of domain names. Webflow hosting starts from £120 a year and can be paid monthly. Within this cost you can also set up editor creditably to allow other users to edit your site, as part of your paid hosting plan.

Why is Webflow the best website builder?

Webflow brings the power of code into a visual canvas — which means if you can design it, you can build it. This means that whatever you're looking to build, Webflow has the power and control you need to build something completely custom.

Webflow sometimes gets lumped in with less sophisticated web builders. If you're a developer, and you’ve made that judgment, I can understand the hesitation. But the major difference between Webflow, and these other more consumer oriented tools, is that Webflow doesn’t try to hide the complexity and power of web development — instead it embraces it.

What is your website design and build process?

Our website process consists of 4 phases:
1) Static design 2) Initial build 3) Build refinement, content population & SEO 4) Snagging, domain connection & Final submission.

This is a typical indicative website design and build process, however as with every project, the intricacies and requirements may mean that the process is longer or shorter. Equally sometimes the 1st phase is a combination within the initial build phase, if there is a clear design intent.

In addition, if its an existing website and we are working on that website to make improvements for example, then this process isn't necessarily appropriate, as such we tailor the project for the necessary requirements.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a way of structuring your site and its content to ensure that you have the best chance of your website being returned in a good position when someone does a Google search for terms relevant to your business. SEO over the years has grown and changed and become an industry in its own right.  There are many companies whose sole purpose are to boost your placement on google through various techniques and campaigns.When building a site we will always implement best practices for SEO. For more advanced SEO advice or paid campaign we will always refer you onto our trusted, specialist partners.

What is a brand?

A brand is essentially the personality and identity of your business. It is what forms the first impression of your business for potential clients and encompasses how it looks and sounds. A brand is a lot more important than people think, that’s why we are so passionate about creating brands that really perform for our clients.

We pride ourselves on making each clients brand unique and stand out from their competition. Importantly though, standing out doesn’t always mean bold... A logo isn’t just about being aesthetically pleasing, it’s also about being fit for purpose and appropriate for its application.

Components of a brand are used in different ways and for different applications, but fundamentally, all strong brands should have an established brand guideline document, which includes: Logo, Fonts & typography, Colour palette, Tagline, Tone of voice, imagery, messaging, social assets & iconography, to name a few.

Most importantly a ‘Brand’ is never just a logo in isolation!

How long does a branding project take?

A branding project can typically take around 2-5 weeks, depending on speed of feedback from our clients, the complexity of the project and the volume of supporting content creation to support the new brand. For example, if a project required a social marketing campaign, such as Ad graphics, utilising the new brand created, this work would then be factored into the branding project timeline.

What is Be Noticed Design’s process, for a brand guidelines project?

Our brand guideline projects are 3 phases, inclusive of feedback stages throughout, to allow our clients to have a role in their branding and feel like they are part of the process.

Phase 1 | Brand Exploration
1st Draft Submission - Feedback
Phase 2 | Refinement & Brand Guideline Generation
2nd Draft Submission - Feedback
Final Refinements, Assets Generation & Final Submission

What does the brand exploration phase include?

We begin the process with the ‘Brand Exploration phase’. This stage allows us to explore an array of conceptual branding options, exploring the look and feel of key elements within the brand.

Typically the initial focus will be on the logo, typography and colour palette, however consideration will be given to other touch points, such as social mock-ups, stationary examples etc. We kick things off this way to allow feedback before progressing to a full brand guideline.

We always like to ensure clients are happy with the brand direction, before moving to the finer detail of a brand guideline.

What does the Refinement & Brand Guideline Generation phase include?

Once we have identified a brand look and feel/route that the client is happy with, we will action any amendments and then progress to the refinement and generation of the full Brand guideline, including the following: Logo design, typography, colour palette, iconography, layout & spacing, tone of voice, messaging, marketing extract, tone of imagery, stationary and more.

What does Final Refinements, Assets Generation & Final Submission phase include?

The final phase of a branding project focuses on any final amends, and then generation of all assets, including a High resolution PDF Brand guideline, along with all supporting files, i.e. logo in JPEG, PNG formats, any stock imagery used for the brand, typography and so on. All of which will be issued on the clients easy to access ‘Dropbox’ area, for easy download of files.

What is a brand guideline, do I need one, I just want a logo?

This is one of the biggest misconceptions and mistakes business owners and the general public alike, can sometimes think... A logo in simple terms is just one part of what’s needed for a successful brand. Sure the logo is one of the most important bits that get seen most prominently, but behind that logo are all the secondary supporting assets, which ensure brand continuity, regardless of usages.

For example, what typography is used for a supporting message when you set up a Facebook banner and want to add a tag line? What tone of imagery is appropriate? What colours should be used...and so on.

A lot of the time we get asked to just design a logo in isolation as, ‘I don’t need a font’ or ‘I already have a colour palette’ or ‘I just need a business card made’.

The reality most of the time is you probably do need a logo or maybe your logo really needs refreshing in line with supporting assets. In most cases what ends up happening is, if we don’t create a full brand, a client would hypothetically then take the new logo and then couple it with likely an inappropriate selected font, that isn’t the correct house style. Or they will change the logo colour to a unsuitable colour that’s not consistent to their sector because maybe, ‘I like the colour red, its bolder’...

A brand guideline is there to not only outline all the important elements of your brand, but also outlines the rules and usages to avoid the brand being used incorrectly. Rules like ‘how much negative free space should I leave around the logo?’, ‘when do I use the Iconmark vs. the Wordmark logo?’

Does Be Noticed do graphic design work in isolation, if they didn’t create the brand?

We are very brand aware and don’t believe in polishing or creating graphic design material if a brand is not fit for purpose. We have built a 5 star rated record by priding ourselves on not just designing for the sake of it. Everything that leaves our design studio is work we would be proud to showcase.

Therefore we evaluate each brand that enters our studio and evaluate if the brand is usable for graphic design work. Importantly we are not saying we will only provide graphic design services if we have created the brand, we are just saying, we need to ensure the brand has usable assets to make the necessary material.

For example, if a client requests a poster using an existing logo, but the logo is very low resolution, they don’t have a colour palette and maybe no tone of voice, we will advise that they need ‘XYZ’ to enable us to create a poster, that is of the standard we set for all our clients.

This may sound excluding but our clients respect that we are honest and as such, clients know there spend with us has longevity, as ultimately anything we create has a solid foundation. We are more than happy to create flyers, business cards, social digital ad campaigns, posters, banners and so on, but only if the brand is established and strong.

How can you make us stand out against our competition?

We study your competition and instead of seeing where you fit in, we instead make you stand out. We study the target audience and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses of competitors in your sector, to identify opportunities to set you apart.

We create brands that your audience will look at and it’s clear you are the product, business, team etc that they should pick. We make it undeniable that they can’t look past your brand. We create stand out brands that not only have longevity, but also work across all print and digital mediums. Designing a logo is one thing, but creating a brand that is timeless and works for all usages, is the true merit of standing out.

Why is your process unique to your competitors?

Our process has been tried and tested over many years, being used on hundreds of successful projects ran. Be Noticed is founded by Joe and Megan who have both worked for large, corporate design agencies, as such have seen both sides of the creative table.

Be Noticed has taken the good from the larger agencies philosophy and bottled it into a less, red tape, small studio package, that our clients love. We can proudly say it’s why people trust us and we build long term professional, but more importantly, personal relationships with our clients.

Our process is focused on covering off all vital steps of a project, delivering you with an end product that you can not only be proud to show off, but is effective for its purpose.

Do I need an existing logo before building a brand?

In short no. We typically generate brands from scratch, however if you have an existing brand that you believe can be refreshed vs. rebranded, we will evaluate what can be done and advise if a rebrand or refresh is most appropriate.

We don’t believe in designing logos in isolation, which is why logos are designed as part of a full branding project. This way we can ensure all brand assets created, not just your new logo, works across an array of different applications. Whether that be print material – business cards, flyers, letterheads or digital material, such as social media collateral. We take the time to consider how your brand will translate to that application, ensuring your brand identity has the same impact whether it’s in the offline world or online digitally.

What files will I get at the end of a project?

We pride ourselves on not only providing any necessary files formats, for example JPEG, PNGS, PDFs but also unconventionally in the design agency world, we provide master design files such as PSD, Ai, Id.

One of the founding keynotes of BND, was Joe and Megan did not want to capitalise and hold clients ransom to high design release fees, once a project has reached the end.

Ultimately BND believe if a client has paid for work completed, they also deserve to receive the source file, something many design agencies will not do. We believe in building trust with our clients and the relationships we have built with new and old clients, mean we entrust our clients stick with us as we go above and beyond.

All files provided to clients are issued to their secure, easy to access ‘Dropbox’ area, for easy download of files.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Inspiration comes from anything and everything. Whether it’s the typography used on the menu at a restaurant or driving home and seeing a banner on the side of a bus, we ask ourselves, what is it that inspires us about that. It could be the use of colours, layout, tone of voice and so on. Naturally what we see around us informs our subconscious, but importantly we never copy. We design everything uniquely to each business we work on, but inspiration is the spark of creativity, whether that is subconsciously or not.

We need a website, too. Can you help?

Definitely...Our branding process is designed to be fluid and dynamic. As such we typically seamlessly take finished brand guidelines created and then translate and execute the static and dynamic design creation of a new website design. Or equally if it’s an existing site, we will refresh and bring the website in line with the new branding work created.

To understand more about our website process, check out the website FAQ tab above, here you can understand more about how we build websites in Webflow.

We think it’s important as much as possible to facilitate giving clients an end to end design service, all under one studio roof.

Ultimately having the same studio that created your new brand then subsequently creating your new website, ensures complete brand continuity and truly understands your vision. This typically cuts out lots of time working with secondary stake holders too. We do however work and happy, where necessary with external developers and alike.

We already have our brand identity established. Can we hire you for a smaller project like a flyer or a presentation?

We work on online i.e. digital and offline i.e print material, therefore we offer both new and ongoing existing clients isolated graphic design services.

We have an array of clients, many of which we help with their weekly, monthly graphic design requirements, typically offering retainers to clients that need constant assistance with their marketing. It helps if you have a pre-established brand guideline, so we can focus on the graphic design task vs. bringing the brand up to scratch.

A brand guideline allows us to ensure we are correctly using the right rules and usages across to your print or digital collateral. If you don’t have a brand guideline, don’t panic, we are here to guide and help. We are a friendly, proactive bunch and will also try to assist, even if you don’t have a brand.

Can you take my existing brand and improve it, then create a guideline?

This depends on how much of your brand is usable and whether there is a solid foundation there in the first place. In some instances we can pick up the existing brand and make the necessary improvements and then progress to a guideline. In other situations we could spend more time trying to save the brand that isn’t necessarily strong enough, just to output a guideline. In which case we will advise and look to start from scratch. We can still keep brand names, potentially preferences on colour palette etc too.

We believe in honesty, if we think something isn't going to work or believe your current brand is in-effective, we will be honest, as we never believe in polishing a bad brand identity, as it will not be beneficial in the long run for our clients.

From there we can demonstrate what we can do through our consultation period, and then leave the decision with you. We never like to push, at the end of the day, it’s your business and you as the client need to feel in control of your brand...we are here however to provide the professional friendly support, to help make the tricky tough decisions.